5 Ways Better Hearing Helps Your Career
When you think about how hearing loss might be affecting your life, the biggest financial impact that comes to mind is probably the initial cost of hearing aids. But the bigger financial impact is likely to be on your career and yearly earnings. A 2011 study by the Better Hearing Institute revealed that hearing loss can pose a significant barrier to productivity, performance, overall career success, lifetime earnings, and household earnings — to the tune of $30,000 in lost income every year.
Luckily, treating hearing impairment can make a hearing-related income loss negligible, and it can help in other ways you might not have expected. Take a look at just a handful of the ways better hearing can help you in your career.
How do you know when it’s time to upgrade your technology? Contact our office today and schedule your free clean and check, and we’ll make sure your current technology is helping you hear your best. If it’s not, try a new hearing system for 75 days, risk-free, and find out how today’s technology can make your hearing — and your life — more complete.