When It Comes to Hearing Care, Put Your Brain First
Hearing begins in the ear, but processing sounds into speech that we can understand takes place in the brain. When we hear fewer sounds due to a hearing loss, the whole auditory system has to work harder to make sense of what’s being said. Untreated hearing loss over a prolonged period of time affects the pathways in the brain that sound signals travel through — a big reason hearing aids are such an important part of brain health.
AGX® Hearing’s latest technology takes brain health seriously with more processing power, better soft-speech understanding, and the ability to capture the natural and unique characteristics of speech.
Hearing aids are essentially mini computers that help your auditory system process sound more clearly. A stronger processor makes a difference: These new AGXOh series hearing aids offer 30% greater processing power, sending the purest sound possible to your ear. With the soft-speech booster improving your soft-speech understanding by up to 20%, these hearing aids offer a fuller range of sound for everyday listening than nearly any other generation of AGX devices. And because soft, high-frequency speech sounds make up about three-quarters of daily conversation, this means you’re hearing more — without any extra effort.
But perhaps the most exciting thing about this new generation of AGX technology is the integrated tinnitus treatment. Tinnitus is, in part, a reaction to your auditory system not hearing something that it normally would hear. Tinnitus is also very annoying, and with this new technology, patients with both tinnitus and hearing loss receive the benefit of accommodating both conditions at once: improved hearing and speech understanding, plus an easy-to-activate, simple-to-adjust tinnitus relief system.